Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Adding the greens

I'm still painting!  I just have not had much internet access lately...  
Here I have added the greens: different ones for the distant ridge, the ravines running down to the tiny waterfalls, the hill on the left and the bushes that drop away behind the ones in the foreground.   Then the dabbled green leaves on the bushes are all sorts of different greens because they look different depending on how much light or shade each one gets.   A little green grass and red-ochre (classic Kauai!) dirt in the foreground and it is time to let it dry a bit! 
Some people think that, since the paper now has paint all over it, I must be close to done.  Not true!  The next steps are the difficult ones, adding depth and detail without overdoing it.
Nan Henke
Texas Hill Country Art

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